Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stampin' Up Goes Green

In the latest issue the Demonstrators receive from Stampin' Up 'Stampin Success' there was an article called "Stamping Green." I didn't realize how eco-friendly Stampin Up was, so I thought perhaps I would share some of their earth friendly practices with you.

Rubber - rather than dumping their excess rubber in landfills, they donate it to a non profit organization that takes the rubber and sells it to groups and individuals for use in playgrounds and horse stables. The funds they received fund their programs which provides horseback riding therapy to kids that are physically or mentally challenged.

Wood Blocks - SU! works with a tree farm where the maple trees are specifically grown for the purpose of harvesting wood.

Card Stock & Paper - SU!'s paper is 100% recycled. Their paper also includes recycled material that is left over from other paper runs. The darker the paper the more recycled material is used in it. "Who would have thought that Basic Black is our greenest colour?"

Their Buildings - Their buildings filter any pollutants that may result from stamp production. Their buildings also have geothermal wells which help maintain the temperature, and cut down their use of heating oil or natural gas. All their lights are on sensors or timers so that electricity is not wasted.

Shipping - They try to engage in shipping processes that require fewer greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere. UPS picks up the shipments each day during non peak hours. This cuts down the amount of gas UPS needs to get the orders out the door. For local shipments, they carpool the orders with other companies that ship to the same places.

Did you know how green SU! was? I'm was most surprised by the information about their rubber and their paper. What surprised you the most?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sharing the Love!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you said farewell to 2008, and hello to 2009, surrounded by friends and family.. and perhaps a glass of champagne ;)

Just a quick little post to let you know that Starving Artistamps are giving away ALOT of love. Click here to go check it out. YUM!

Will be back in a couple days with some new cards for you all. I received some House Mouse stamps for Christmas I can't wait to use :)